Alora TV


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 - Morning Diaper Surprise?

So, since I didn’t start this blog until January 2nd, I am sharing two entries today so that I can be up-to-date.

Alora Day 2

Yesterday morning when Alora woke up, over the baby monitor we heard her say, “Daddy Poopy! Yuck!!!”  After my husband and I played rock, paper, scissors to see who would get up and go get her (which by the way is a great way to handle nearly all marital disputes!),  my husband went down to get her dreading, god only knows, how much poop she would be covered in!  When he walked in to her room his horror was realized as he saw that she had taken off all of her clothes and her diaper!  But, to his great surprise (and mine) he found Alora in her crib with all her clothes off and her diaper neatly folded up.  She presented him her folded up diaper and repeated “Daddy poopy!”  But, the diaper did not have poop in it.  By this point my husband was very confused!  But, as he picked Alora up she said,  “Poopy Daddy! Potty!”  So, my husband took her to the potty where she did just as she said.  It was really quite polite of her to take off and fold her own diaper and also quite polite to wait and go poop in the potty so that we didn’t have to change a poopy diaper.  It was also nice of her not to go poop in her diaper and take it off and then use it to finger paint her bed and herself like she did a few weeks ago!  (But, that is a story for another day!!!) By the way, she did the exact same thing this morning as well.  We found her naked with her folded up diaper ready to go!

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